viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016


this is my room in summer, when the sun lights the backyard the tree broke the lights in pieces and it seems like a powerful energy blowing my chambre and so on.

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016




este es un juego de serpientes y escaleras que diseñé para la materia de frances III y me gusto mucho como quedo porque estaba leyendo una cuento llamado el mago de oz y me inspiro para darle forma a este clásico juego de mesa.

this game is snakes and ladders and it was created by french III at UNACH C-IV escuelas de lenguas.
I study there since 2015 and I´m happy coz I reach the best goal in my career as finder and seeker.
I ´ve met many insteresting people in this journey and I always try to keep in touch with the people but it´s so hard for me coz I don´t mind forgeting and hidding away.
this is my first post about my daily life as students and I hope you can really ask for advices.